Saturday, December 31, 2011

Prayer Update Mostly

I mentioned that I've sent for my visa and have my passport (actually, it's in the mail to apply for a visa). So I am shifting gears a bit - as far as I don't need prayer for getting shots and passport stuff.
So some top prayer request.
1) Possibly most importantly - for a bunch of people who will commit to pray for us each day we are gone - F e b r u a r y second through the sixteenth.
2) That God would do great things in, through, and in spite of Benjamin and me
3) For guidance on preparing for speaking (I am still waiting on a topic)
4) For travel mercies
5) For money. God has already moved in people's hearts to give $1200. I think the trip will be around $5000. Again, we are expecting to pay for part of this trip ourselves.
6) For the Visa to get done in time for us to go
7) For wisdom in preparing and grace for my family


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