I read through the Bible each year in my devotions. I use the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Program (search for that in quotes on google and you can print it or download it) which is put out by the Navigators (as close to inspired as you can get since the days of Jesus). Anyway. It leads you through 4 different passages a day (2 Old and 2 New Testament - obviously longer passages in the old to make sure it all gets done at the same time). There are only 25 readings a month so you can miss a couple and still be on track. I really enjoy it and plan to do it until I die (though devotional plans often change).
My method is to read each story (and I'm trying to do it out loud to help me think better) and then choose one to study more in depth (though I don't simply want to be technical). Today I actually thought about a couple of the passages for a while.
Genesis - first 11 chapters or so - it's fascinating how the curse is diverted - God diverts the curse from man and puts it on the ground. It's also fasinating how Adam, then Eve pass the buck - and God starts off saying - OK - let's curse the serpent - but comes back and gives them their punishment too. I find Noah's story interesting in many ways - one interesting thing - why the naked thing towards the end - and I suppose it has to do with the different nations and how they don't get along. But it just seems like such a bummer - if he could have just avoided that. First record of alcohol causing major problems. Psalm 2 was a good study - just thinking about the need to DELIGHT in God's Word (and what does that word, Delight, mean - what was the last thing you remember truly delighting in?). In Acts I got carried away thinking about prophecy, the intention of the author, and giving prophecy a new meaning. Too technical.
Those are a few thoughts. It's a new year. How am I going to grow in Christ this year. I just know that it's all about God's grace.
I spent a bunch of this morning crying - Laura Albers wrote her testimony to share at IMPACT - and the end of it, especially, is amazing. I hope to post it on here.
No question today. Except. How is your walk with God? Can I encourage you?