Friday, February 14, 2025

Final day of training

"I used to entertain in my preaching to gather large crowds - I preached the Gospel of entertainment.  Now I’m getting better and better at applying the patheways principles.  My elders have said - your preaching has changed so much… and I am now helping my elders learn to do the Pathways methods - and even others are following what I am doing."
This was one of many such testimonies we heard from these pastors we are training.  I can't describe how big a deal this is.  Each pastor preached messages in class where they stayed in the text throughout the whole message (something none of them ever did 2 years ago).  And they are passing on the training.
  On another note - we got an email that our flights were changed  - to different airlines and 27 hours later.  So we had to stay an extra night.  It did give us time to process the trip more.  We were both also able to do a lot of sermon prep that we expected to have to do on the plane.  So we are still up in the mountains but will be heading out on the bus down the mountain in a few hours to catch the plane just after midnight.  They say the buses to the city are crazy busy Friday afternoon so getting on one in good time will be our first challenge.  Pray for journey mercies.  One other highlight was giving a Bible to each pastor,  In these tough economic times it was such a simiple and powerfully encouraging thing to do,  I want to thank those who gave to help with the trip.  I'm ready to be back in my other home (Africa is definitely a home for me).


At 5:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see you two ministering together again on a different continent! Praying for your time there and travel!


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