Monday, February 03, 2025

Another Trip To Rwanda with Pastor John - Studying Mark

I'm so excited to be going agian to Rwanda (Feb 6-14) to train pastors to train other pastors to study, apply, and teach God's word. We will be using Mark. I want to start off with many prayer requests. This is what Pastor Nicodeme wants prayer for. 1. We would like that our government become fair on churches and be flexible in making decisions cincerning the reopening of church buildings. 2. That I get means to improve the soundproof of my church especially getting money to put the ceiling in place. 3. Praying for my family as we are preparing to move to South Sudan to start church planting there. We need moral and financial support from our church and friends. 4. Pray for the pastors of Rwanda who have been used to live by what their congregation gives as offetory and now as they don't gather for worship church members do not offer anything, therefore pastors and other church leaders are struggling to supply for their families. 5. Pray for the Pathways training that it continues to help and equip Rwandan pastors who will be able to use the material in their daily ministry and be able to pass on the same material to other church leaders. Here are my top prayer requests. Journey Mercies (you might have read that Congo and the city of Goma are in the news - which are close to where we'll be). That the pastors are really getting the training and passing it on For my family and church family here as I'm gone. That we would be used as God's servants in all sorts of ways there to be an encouragement to these pastors who can no longer preach because there churches have been closed by the government.
Ponder anew what the Almight can do since he loves us!


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayers and Wisdom. God's Leading. Lindy Lindquist.


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