Saturday, August 10, 2024

First 24 Hours In Rwanda

We have been here 24 hours now and we're thankful for God's hand in it all.  It started off with a bit of confusion in Des Moines but the ticket agent fixed it.  Our flights were mostly uneventful, though we had some great conversations with those beside us and with each other.  We didn't sleep well and the last flight (8.5) hours seemed long.  We got through the airport quickly and safely to our hotel.  We both slept incredibly well and neither one of us were dragging today.  Damian is such a blessing to be with. 

Today we road up the mountain in a bus (2 hours) for less than $6 total.  We got to our hotel and then grabbed lunch.  We explored the area a bit and bought some water and salted peanuts. We ate supper with Pastor Nicodeme and his family (he is the pastor in charge here).  It was my first time meeting his family and it was a real blessing.  

I want to stay out of politics - so I'll be as simple as possible.  A law was passed a week ago that affects all religions in Rwanda - and it's about safety issue and such.  The result is many churches were closed down until they can comply, including those of many of our pastor friends here.  He found a different church that isn't closed yet that Damian plans to preach in tomorrow.  We don't really know if that will work.  Then Monday we start the training. 

- Travel mercies - it's a big deal
- the incredible blessing to be with God's people in another country
- feeling great

- that we'd be able to have  real church service tomorrow
- For Damian as he'll be preaching from John 11 - the story of Lazarus.  This is his first sermon in Africa (and he'll be using a translator). 
- For every pastor to show up to the first day of training, and to show up prepared
- Health 
- Our families back home - especially moms 
- For our hearts to grow 

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