Saturday, February 15, 2025

Day 3 and Pastor Nicodeme

The biggest disappointment of our training has been that they haven't prepared the homework as well as they should have.  We had to take time during class yesterday to let them prepare more.  But to see them in the text for 15 minutes over and over is just phenomenal.  Really - it's everything I hoped for.  Like all of us there are areas they need to grow in - but they have come so far.  Pray that they get boldness to pass it on well - and to pass it on for life.  I'm handing out little Frisbee today and telling them that when they see the Frisbee, they need to pass on the training. We went to Pastor Nicodeme house after training yesterday (stopped to see Pastor Juvenal on the way because he was sick - diabetic issues - the rich man's disease).  Pastor Nicodeme is our leader here and he has been a multiplier for so many years.  his denomination has been praying about sending their first missionary out of the country - he was on the committee - and over time, he was asked to go to South Sundan.  They are in the process of raising support and he hopes to go later this year.  This is such a huge step of faith at his age (late 50s maybe).  We met his whole family and his key family in the faith (We already knew them but saw how much he's done for them).  He knows I walk a lot here so we walked over an hour to his house.  It was a beautiful walk and I should a lot of kids hands as we walked - the love saying hi to Muzungus (foreigners).  My heart is full.  We say goodbye today - and this will be our last time seeing them this side of heaven probably..  It's bitter sweet - it's my first time going to 3 trainings with one group.  It is so special.  Pray that we finish well.. On a simple note - our flights got changed - 5 hours later and different airlines and stops... Not sure what that all will mean practically.  I have sermon prep to do on the way as well.  God is still working.  thanks for praying


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