Thursday, August 15, 2024

We're Done

We had hoped to buy a Bible in the morning before heading to the training and were told they'd be open but it was a holiday so they weren't.  But we gave the money to our leader and each pastor will get a Bible.  The cost of Bibles has gone way up. Pastors in our group said 50-70% of their people don't have a Bible.

Our last day of training went great.  We're very proud of them and confident that they'll keep passing on the training.  Overall it was uneventful getting to the bus and to the airport and on the plane... Though getting my ticket took a little extra work. 

Now we're on the ground in Entebbe Uganda.  I have slept so horribly.  Praying I sleep on the plane. 

We did so much walking around outside of class time and it was so good.  It really added to the trip. Damian was amazing.

Have just over 3 hours in both Brussels and in Chicago.  Land in Minneapolis around 6 pm. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

3rd Day is done

Another great day.  Training went well.  A couple of today's presentations were a bit weaker but overall, it was fantastic.  We are having a great time with all the pastors - so many laughs and so much good conversation.  Tomorrow is a half day.  We'll be looking at one Psalm together and we plan to focus on their weakest spots.  Then I give a closing demonstration sermon.  It's hard to figure out how long it should be and will be with translation.  I'm excited to give it.  My runny nose is getting worse but I feel alright.  After we got home Damian and I had a few errands to run.  He wanted to buy some Rwandan soccer Jerseys for his kids.  When you are a Muzungu (white person), negotiating prices can be hard.  We have made good friends with a small bakery owner family and they started off helping us find the Jerseys.  We ended up in a shop we were at the first day.  I highly pregnant women name Daria, is a co-owner of the store.  She has 2 kids at home.  She gave us a much fairer price than the other places.  She was just super sweet - we were so impressed.  We had a few balls with us and I gave her a ball for her kids to play with.  She was moved to tears.  We asked about when she was due and asked to pray for her.  She was so grateful.  I am not describing it as beautifully as it happened, but it was so good.  We had made friends at the sports park and Timmy told us he liked to coach kids soccer (he had no idea we had soccer balls).  We went and saw him and gave him soccer balls.  We've been wanting to buy a nice (and new version - best version) Kinyarwanda Bible for each pastor.  This morning I asked how many people in their church didn't have a let's and it was between 50-70%.  So we did some sleuthing and put all our money together that we had an we have enough to buy the Bibles.  The Rwandan Bible Society shop is near the hotel and brand new.  They say it's open tomorrow at 8, but we'll see.  If we don't get them our leader here will.  We ate our last meal at Amicus Coffee & Pizza and really enjoyed it.  It's so crazy to think that God let's us have this kind of privilege.  Sleep has been really hard.    PRAY  - We get Bibles.  We finish well.  Our last day review really hits the spots they need.  That my sermon is more than a demonstration, but works in their hearts.  For travel as we take the bus down the mountain and get to the airport.  For travel mercies.  This has been a foretaste of heaven. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Day 2 Reflections

This was a great day.  I started off with the free breakfast that comes with our $11 rooms - omelette, fruit, bread.  Damian and I took the taxi to the training and just enjoyed hanging out with the pastors as they arrived.  We started off feeling a bit behind but I think we caught up by the end of the day.  Damian and I each facilitated a presentation session.  This is where all their practice gets put on display for everyone.  4 different pastors take turns presenting at each session.  It's amazing to see how each of their sermon are definitely on target.  They've come so far since we did Jonah.  These aren't the same me.  It was so fun.  Over lunch we enjoy talking to guys and hearing their stories.  It's amazing to hear where God has taken them.  We also happened to have a zip chip and went outside and threw it around with the guys (it's like a super tiny soft rubber Frisbee - can't hurt anything but can still fly far).  We had so much fun playing catch with a bunch of them - and we laughed hard as we struggled to catch it or throw it.  We also had plenty of people enjoying watching the Muzungus (white people).  Then back to the afternoon session. We see some areas that need work, but overall couldn't be more pleased.   Tomorrow is our 2nd to last day.  We have two more presentations to get through and a few other things.  The camaraderie with the Pastors is great.  Damian is doing awesome both as a trainer and just with adapting to life in Africa.  We laugh too much.  We did PB$J again tonight as it was raining and I feel a bit under the weather - stuffy nose and a mild headache and tired. A few key prayer requests.  1)  As we train tomorrow, we'll have time to focus in on a few key areas they are struggling most with.  We need to know what to use that time on and how to really help them get it.   2) Safety, health, etc (we jokingly pray that we won't have to use the mud shack squatty potty for Number 2 (so far, it's a win).  3) We want to really encourage these pastors as they are struggling with being shut down.  4) For God to allow them to go back to Church.   I can't believe I get to do this. I thank God!!! 

First Day Reflections

We've said a few times on this trip that it's been such a great trip but we haven't even done what we came to do... Or maybe, we have been doing some of what God sent us to do - it just wasn't Pathways.  It was a joy to begin the training yesterday.  Things got going a bit late (which isn't abnormal, though this group is usually totally on top of things) and most of the group was there (I think we were missing 2 people (sometimes pastors in ministry can't control their schedules).  As we got started, we all talked about the problem of not being able to meet on Sundays (all pastors but one are shut down) due to the new law  It has so many challenges for them.  The cost to comply for smaller churches is so far out of budget. On top of that, since they aren't meeting, the money coming in is much less - including money to pay the pastor - most don't get paid much anyway.  We are praying (and asking you to pray) that God would open up churches by this coming Sunday.  Lesson 1 is a review, and it was more difficult than we expected.  One of the great highlights was hearing their multiplication reports. I always get teary during these.  It's amazing to contemplate how God will use His Word when preached clearly - and so many are being trained.  We need an official final count but each group of 2 pastors averaged training over 10 pastors each.  There were so many powerful testimonies - One pastor said - the Pastors I'm training said - why didn't anyone teach this to us when we were starting our ministry.  Another one said - I used to just preach randomly in the Bible and pull a bunch of verses together.  Now people are saying - we are learning books of the Bible - this is so good  The challenges in Africa are often vestartmilar - how do we deal with the costs (photocopying the material - less than 10 cents a page - maybe 30 pages) and providing some food somehow.  It was very encouraging.  Damian got to teach for the first time and did a great job.  It's fun teaching together and we try to model humility and teamwork (we encourage them to train together).  We sing quite a few times a day and that's always a joy.  We also try to get them to let their guard down and grow as a group so we throw out a question we know will bring a story and a smile.  This year we asked - share about a  time (in ministry or as a kid) that you did something embarrassing or something funny happened.   We laughed so hard.  There were times our translators can't finish sentences because they are laughing so hard.  One story about a goat being dressed up in a boys clothes made us laugh all day long.  This is a blessing.  After class Damian and I tried to find a soccer field where kids might be playing (we had some suggestions) but we failed.  We did give a soccer ball away to a cute little kid - I wonder how long he'll remember that day.  We decided to eat peanut butter and jelly for supper but we didn't have any utensils.  So we use two sharpies to spread our Pb&j.  It was something.  We made friends with some young men that work at a bakery not too far from our hotel.  They are the kind of young men that don't want anything from us and speak English well.  It's been fun talking to them.  Today we start really digging into the training.  We feel a little behind but we'll see how it goes.  I think many of my praises are above.  Top prayer requests - That the Pastors show up and understand.  For health and safety.  For God to open their churches.  I'm so thankful to know that many are praying for us.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Ministry

I write this unable to sleep after waking up.  It rained and the power is out.

We got up and Pastor Nicodeme took us in a mini bus - I suppose it's kind of like a 15 passenger van... But shorter... And packed a lot more like sardines. 

Pastor had found a church in his denomination that wasn't closed so we went there.  Damian was our designated preacher since only one of us could preach.  When we got there the music was going but it was still quite empty.  2 hours later Damian wasn't preaching yet. Quite a few pastors and some of their people joined us so we had extra choirs which meant more singing.  Damian did a good short job as he had a translator.  

We left church and went to Pastor Nicodemes church to pray that God would allow it to be opened by next Sunday.  The we went to the house of a couple he is discipling who wants to be a pastor.  We ate some wonderful food with them and heard their story and prayed for them. I think it was after 3 when we started eating. 

Then we left Nicodeme and returned to our hotel.  We had a later evening snack and prayed and worked on the first days training stuff. 

I love hanging out and working with Damian.  What a blessing. 

For God to allow these churches to meet next Sunday (we really prayed for this a lot). 

First day of training 
- All the pastors show up prepared
- Relational favor and comraderie. 
- That we can really encourage these pastors as most have has their churches closed for 2 Sundays now. 
- health and sleep  

Saturday, August 10, 2024

First 24 Hours In Rwanda

We have been here 24 hours now and we're thankful for God's hand in it all.  It started off with a bit of confusion in Des Moines but the ticket agent fixed it.  Our flights were mostly uneventful, though we had some great conversations with those beside us and with each other.  We didn't sleep well and the last flight (8.5) hours seemed long.  We got through the airport quickly and safely to our hotel.  We both slept incredibly well and neither one of us were dragging today.  Damian is such a blessing to be with. 

Today we road up the mountain in a bus (2 hours) for less than $6 total.  We got to our hotel and then grabbed lunch.  We explored the area a bit and bought some water and salted peanuts. We ate supper with Pastor Nicodeme and his family (he is the pastor in charge here).  It was my first time meeting his family and it was a real blessing.  

I want to stay out of politics - so I'll be as simple as possible.  A law was passed a week ago that affects all religions in Rwanda - and it's about safety issue and such.  The result is many churches were closed down until they can comply, including those of many of our pastor friends here.  He found a different church that isn't closed yet that Damian plans to preach in tomorrow.  We don't really know if that will work.  Then Monday we start the training. 

- Travel mercies - it's a big deal
- the incredible blessing to be with God's people in another country
- feeling great

- that we'd be able to have  real church service tomorrow
- For Damian as he'll be preaching from John 11 - the story of Lazarus.  This is his first sermon in Africa (and he'll be using a translator). 
- For every pastor to show up to the first day of training, and to show up prepared
- Health 
- Our families back home - especially moms 
- For our hearts to grow 

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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Ready, set, go

We are off (Damian Peasley is my partner) .  We fly out of Des Moines at least. Chicago is quick. Then a while in Newark.  Tye to Brussels and finally to Kigali - Friday evening.  They are 7 hours ahead of us. 

I'm hoping to buy a case of Bibles while there for the pastors.  It's a long story but Bibles have really gone up in price. 

Another interesting twist is that a week ago the govejernment decided to close religious buildings that weren't safe (mosques and churches).. Safe meaning a variety of things from structure, to permits, to qualified pastors.  Our leader there told us his church and many others in the area did not meet on Sunday.  I know nothing of the politics and will not guess.  We are continuing and can't wait to get to training.

I'm so thankful for this chance to share my love of studying God's Word with people from a continent I love. 

Top prayer requests for today 
Travel mercies 
Good prep time together as we travel 
For each pastor involved in the training that thy will be able to join us and for refreshment and encouragement for them today to prepare them for our time together. 
Blessing For my wife and family at home 

Texts are free for me.  I'd love to hear from y'all. 

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Preparing To Go To Rwanda - August 2024 (Pathways - EFCA)


A picture from the Training John Nett did in May.

I'll be updating my trip with details here - though some basic updates will be done on Facebook.  If you want to pray specifically and here more about what God is doing, this is the place to check.

Preparing takes on many forms.  I've been preparing my by communicating with Pastor Nicodeme (our Master Trainer Leader there) about dates and plans and needs.  He translates all the material into Kinyarwanda and Pastors in Musanze, the town we'll be training in.  I've been communicating as well with Damian Peasley, a youth pastor friend for 19 years and now a Pastor friend.  We worked closely together for many of those years in the Central District while I lived in Eagle Grove.  This will be his first trip. 

Part of the preparation is logistics.  I work hard to be as cheap as possible but this time the tickets were more expensive than expected.  We need Visas and have to make sure we have all our meds and such up to date.  

I have to do all the Psalms homework so I can teach it.  I've never been through the Pathways Psalms training so I have all the lessons to work on (a lot of it is basic sermon preparation).  I do have to prepare a closing demonstration sermon from the book of Psalms as well.  

I am also preparing for life at home while I'm gone.  My wife and kids handle it quite well, but I definitely have many pieces to prepare at church while I'm gone.  A simple prayer request is that God will provide someone to lead worship on August 18th. 

I will drive down to Damian's house (near Des Moines) on August 7th.  We'll be at the airport August 8th before 6.  We fly to Chicago, then Newark, then Brussels, then Kigali.  We'll spend the night in Kigali and then on Saturday we'll take the bus up the mountain for 2 to 3 hours to get to Musanze.  Thankfully costs in country are incredibly cheap (comfortable hotel with air conditioning will be less than $25 a night = and that includes breakfast).  A meal at a restaurant will likely be about $6.  The bus ride is about $5.  We'll preach Sunday morning at different churches.  Monday morning our training starts around 9.  We'll finish around 4.  This continues through Thursday noon.  We'll take the bus back to the Kigali and fly out that evening.  Brussels, Chicago (long layover), and then Des Moines.  

One thing I always do is bring a lot of things to leave with the Pastor there and tell him to use as he wants to.  I bring an extra suitcase (still need one) that I will leave there.  I get most of my clothes from Goodwill and leave them.  I also like to bring soccer balls and sometimes a few extra Bibles if they are available.  It costs so little and is a way to bless them.

One of my favorite parts of the trip is walking around in the evening and just meeting people on the street.  I don't want to do touristy things, but I love to make friends and get to know the country.

You might remember the story of great genocide back in the 90s in Rwanda.  We are not allowed to ever ask about it and they themselves don't talk about it often.  

Top Prayer Request

- The preparation mentioned above

- That the pastors we train have passed on the previous training

- The the pastors we train will come with their homework done 

- To be a blessing to those Pastors in more ways than just training

- And I'll always take prayer for travel mercies and for God to work in my heart 

- That Nicodeme will be able to help find an extra translator that I can use outside of training 

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