Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More on Preaching

I just preached 2 sermons - through the short book of Jude. I purposefully look for passages I don't know well - I enjoy studying new things, but more than anything, I want the message to be God's message and not my own. Now and then I'll preach on something because it's already burning in me. But by choosing a text that I don't come to with presuppostions, it forces me to search for God's message. I really believe that when we preach, we must make sure that the Word burns in us first - before we preach it (John Piper illustrates this with the road to Emmaeus story - and how they said after Jesus left - did not our hearts burn while he spoke to us). I thank God for the burning in my heart.

Let me give a shout out to Tracey and Andy - for your help in my sermon.


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